Monday, 8 December 2008


What A fascinating Subject!!!

"From bios, meaning life, and mimesis, meaning to imitate. It is a relatively new science that studies nature, its models, systems, processes and elements and then imitates or takes creative inspiration from them to solve human problems sustainably." Janine M. Benyus Biomimicry Innovation Inspired by Nature.

My ethos: Work and observe nature you will have all the solutions unveiling themselves one after the other! Nature has never needed men to function! We on the other hand have always needed nature to live and survive!

My Currently researching and looking at the behavior of some great living creatures to inspire and mimic in my designs. I will keep you updated. Within ten or twelve weeks I will have a smart textile inspired by nature. By smart I mean a textile which will be program to respond in movement to a sound, noise or anything I decide it should. Before I get there though I need to get up to scratch with Processing ( a software which is all about coding and animation and programming) and Arduino platform ( this will precisely make my textile move in respons eto whatever I decide it should ) , this is very exciting .

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Squidee will light differently according to where you stand

Squidee will light differently according to where you stand
©clementinedebos 2009

Creative Pattern Re-Cipe

Creative Pattern Re-Cipe
Tarpaulin Embellished ©clementinedebos 2009

Creative Pattern Re-Cipe

Creative Pattern Re-Cipe
Tarpaulin Embellished ©clementinedebos 2009